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House Fire - 50 Block of Penny Lane
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, December 10th, 2011, at 2022 hours, while touring the Cochranville area with Santa, the Cochranville Fire Company was alerted for the full company to respond to assist the West Grove Fire Company on a house fire on the 50 block of Penny Lane in Penn Township. The incident originally came in as a chimney fire, but Deputy 22 arrived on scene with fire showing from side D and requested the working fire dispatch. Engine 27-1 and Engine 27-5 both responded at 2024 followed by Engine 27-2 and Rescue 27 at 2025. All Cochranville units arrived on scene at 2031 hours. The crew from Engine 27-1 assisted with interior operations while the crews from the other apparatus made up the rapid intervention team. Engine 27-5 staged at the end of the roadway to assist with water supply if needed. The fire was placed under control at 2039 hours. After all of the hose was cleaned up, at 2200 hours, all 27 units returned available. Thank you to Lancaster County Engine 5-7-2 for standing by at our station during this incident. Units: Engine 27-1, Engine 27-2, Engine 27-5, Rescue 27 and Utility 27 Mutual Aid: Engine 5-7-2

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